One of my favourites...and it's about NY*
“Chapter one. He adored New York City. He idolised it all out of proportion.” Uh, no. Make that “He romanticised it all out of proportion...” Uh, no. “To him, no matter what the season was, this was still a town that existed in black and white and pulsated to the great tunes of George Gershwin.” Uh... no. Let me start this over. “Chapter one. He was too romantic about Manhattan, as he was about everything else. He thrived on the hustle, bustle of the crowds and the traffic. To him, New York meant beautiful women and street-smart guys who seemed to know all the angles.” Ah, corny. Too corny for a man of my taste. Let me... try and make it more profound. “Chapter one. He adored New York City. To him, it was a metaphor for the decay of contemporary culture. The same lack of integrity to cause so many people to take the easy way out... was rapidly turning the town of his dreams...” No, it’s gonna be too preachy. I mean, face it, I wanna sell some books here. “Chapter one. He adored New York City, although to him it was a metaphor for the decay of contemporary culture. How hard it was to exist in a society desensitised by drugs, loud music, television, crime, garbage…” Too angry. I don’t wanna be angry. “Chapter one. He was as tough and romantic as the city he loved. Behind his black-rimmed glasses was the coiled sexual power of a jungle cat.” I love this. “New York was his town and it always would be.”
Woody Allen in "Manhattan" (1979)
* - Ao que parece, o blog "A Origem das Espécies", do conceituado Francisco José Viegas, tem um post igualzinho a este, imagem incluída, publicado ontem logo de manhã. Um habitué aqui do "Life" mandou a boca, através de um comment, que eu teria plagiado o blog do FJV. Poderia até nem reeditar este post, uma vez que já lhe respondi no espaço indicado. Mas não chega. Por duas razões: a) quem me conhece sabe o quanto gosto de Woody, e quantas vezes já citei "Manhattan"; b) sempre que copio alguma coisa de outro blog deixo-o bem claro, por respeito e boa educação para com o verdadeiro autor. Não sei se há ou não coincidências, mas este começo do filme pareceu-me excelente para ilustrar o amor por uma cidade em que tanto se pensou nos últimos dias. Fico feliz por saber que o mestre FJV tenha tido semelhante ideia!
6 comentários:
Someone is an avid reader of "A Origem das Espécies"...
Someone is an avid admirer of Woody Allen. Manhattan, as you can see in my profile, is one of my favourite movies ever.
Someone reads sometimes "A Origem das Espécies". That someone has just concluded that the blog's author has a very good taste for films.
9-11 is too important for me to "copy" and "past it" any idea about it from anywhere. When I do that, I quote the blog.
But thanks for letting me know that me and Francisco José Viegas, a man I clearly admire, have some interests in common.
You're free to do whatever you want. I just recognized something I read yesterday... That's all.
PS: As miss Kidman said in a Sydney Pollack film, we always seem to find ourselves "kapéla".
E este palhaço com olhos R.-qualquer-coisa não se cala um bocadinho...
Who around here hasn't understood that:
a) the www is very big?
b) things that are made for largeaudiences, are normally seen by large audiences, and therefore may be quoted by large audiences?
c) a quote is not an exclusive of A or B's blog, or magazine, or whatever. A quote is something any of us can do. And it is a "quote" precisely because that who quotes, names the origin of the text.
But hey: some are happy, some are crappy, and others make wierd comments!
Tigas, "I like God do not play with dice and do not believe in coincidence".
No dia 11 de Setembro, no blog "A Origem das Espécies", surgia um post com o título "11 de Setembro" que era uma quote do filme Manhattan de Woody Allen. (a saber:
No dia 12 de Setembro, surgia aqui no "Life Is A Masterpiece" um post quase igual ao de F.J.V. com a excepção de que no post do "Origem das Espécies" a parte a bold não aparece também em itálico.
Porém, caro Tigas, o mais curioso nem é isso. Se for ver o post de dia 11, no blog de F.J.V., irá reparar que ele usa todas as "..." em bold (ex: “romanticised it all out of proportion...”) mas depois nas últimas não o faz (“television, crime, garbage…”). Deveras engraçada, é a coincidência de no post do "Life Is A Masterpiece" ocorrer precisamente o mesmo.
Como diria o outro, Yo no creo en las brujas, pero que las hay, las hay.
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